TAYSA (gesprochen Tayscha) war in der Sprache der Caddo- Indianer, die in dem Gebiet des heutigen Texas und Louisiana lebten, das Wort für Freund oder Verbündeter. Man vermutet, dass sich im Laufe der Zeit aus dem Wort Taysa der heutige Name ”Texas” für den Lone Star State entwickelte.

Da wir unseren ersten Siberian Husky in Texas gesehen haben, dort unsere erste SH-Hündin in unsere Familie kam und wir dieses Fleckchen Erde lieben gelernt haben, fiel uns die Auswahl für unseren Zwingername nicht schwer. Und außerdem sind doch unsere Hunde unsere besten Freunde und Verbündeten.

25 years ago while we where living in Texas we fell in love with that place and lifestyle. There we saw our first Siberian Husky and knew immediatly that this is what we wanted! Reading books, and making numerous phone calls we finally found our breeder in Colorado and our first Siberian Husky Girl.

Soon we added a second one and so we moved back to Germany with 2 girls from Janis Church (of the Midnight Sun) and in need of  a Kennel name.

Again reading several books about native Americans we came up with our kennel name TAYSA.
The word TAYSA or Teysha was used by the Caddo tribe for friend or beeing friendly or alliance.
Spanish explores took it and in time it was changed from Taysa – Teyas – Tejas -Texas.

There is no better word that would describe this beautiful breed and we still have our connection to Texas – a place we still love – and where we first encountered this special breed. Taysa Siberian Husky Kennel is registered with FCI since 1993. 

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